Ethics Statement

As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I uphold the ethics of the profession.

I also will speak to and elaborate on more personal ethics & practice here, so you can have an understanding of how I work with ethics. I am in a constant engagement with my ethical practice, pulling in mentors when needed to find a clear path forward that holds and honors my client’s humanity and care. Part of my ethical practice also includes honoring my own humanity so that I can continue to sustain care that is rooted, embodied, and consistently steered towards healing, liberation, and justice.

Within my ethical framework, I work towards harm-reductive practices and commit to continue learning how my social position holds unearned power and the potential for harm.

I honor the people I work with’s expertise in their lived experience. I ensure consent before offering education, advice, or my perspective. I continue to learn about and hone trauma informed care & practice.

I name the societal and cultural influences on how my clients relate to and feel about their bodies, how they feed and move them. I discuss the social determinants of health, that oppression and trauma impact health outcomes, and I do not continue the delusion that health is dependent on one or two variables. I will also not be complicit with the false & harmful idea that the pursuit of health behaviors is a moral obligation.

I make my space as safe as possible. I am committed to unlearning narratives from systems of oppression, including anti-blackness, racism, transphobia, ableism, white supremacist thinking and action, anti-fat bias, classism, and misogny. I am committed to relearning ways that allow for the true expansiveness of our humanity to flourish. I am committed to the honoring of and reparations for lineages whose stories have been denied and erased. I will work to repair. 

I commit to openness, curiosity, and humbleness when offered feedback and when called in, will manage my fragility in my own time, and will integrate and do better.

I continue to learn to listen better and to be aware of how my humanity in the room impacts the humans I work with’s healing process.

I commit to activism and reparations outside of my practice, for projects that advance the safety and wellbeing of all bodies and center the voices who have been most violently harmed as a product of white supremacy delusion, a concept I learned from the marvelous Sonya Renee Taylor.  

I am committed to my own healing and liberation process.