An Open Letter to My Clients

Dear client*, current and former-

I want you to know that this letter is to you, and it’s for you. As my business takes its next few young steps, it has been with you, in my (many) office spaces and in virtual spaces where you have allowed me to witness your story. You have bravely entrusted me with parts of your heart, vulnerable memories, and moments. This witnessing of your healing, in all of its messy and complex forms, is the hearty foundation from which my practice will continue to evolve.

You have taught me about my own humanity, and my own healing, all along the way. I would not be here, where I am today, without you. It’s not a place I thought I’d be.

I bow to your courage, and I have always been in deep honor and respect of your allowing me to witness and hold space for the ways that your life unfolds and the ways that you grapple with your own process.

I want you to know that I have grieved and grappled alongside of you with my own humanity along the way. That, though the work is draining, and finding my own support is a constant engagement, it also fills and lifts me. It is undoubtedly sacred, and I am deeply honored and grateful that I have the privilege of being here.

Your stories have touched me deeply. They have radicalized me. They are sacred, they matter, and my work will always be an ongoing endeavor to ensure the power of the stories I’m graced to hold fuels an unwavering momentum in the rhythm towards change. Toward a world where safety, justice, and love are centered and prioritized for all bodies.

With Deep Devotion,
Virginia, The Radical Dietitian

* there is no great way to address you individually, as people who trust me with their healing, “client” being too transactional and “patient” being too medicalized and others being too wordy so excuse my transactionality which is the opposite of my sentiment for this letter-


Autonomous and Sovereign